Saturday 25 February 2012

Majestic Mystery

This came out of nowhere tonight.
Okay, not nowhere, it was the Lord, zero doubt about that! The first one I wrote today was me, and I don't think I'll be publishing it for awhile. He's a way faster writer than I am. 
So stoked about this one, the sound in my mind is amazing and insanely different from anything else He's ever given me... Way more upbeat and electric than my other stuff. 
The song speaks for itself. Hope that you enjoy it.... Not solid on the title yet, but I figure I'd go with it for now. 
Have you heard, have you seen?
This Majestic Mystery
The lifeless, they breathe
The hopeless, they dream
Broken hearts are romancing
This dead girl is dancing
Verse 1
Is it true what they've said
About this Jesus of Nazareth?
Is He the 'Good News' proclaimed by the Baptist?
Is it true what they say---
That He can take our sins away?
Have you heard, have you seen?
This Majestic Mystery
The lifeless, they breathe
The hopeless, they dream
Broken hearts are romancing
This dead girl is dancing
Verse 2
This carpenter's son---
Have you seen what He's done?
Opened blind eyes to see
Is it true that He's come---
To show the hated they are loved?
Have you heard, have you seen?
This Majestic Mystery
The lifeless, they breathe
The hopeless, they dream
Broken hearts are romancing
This dead girl is dancing
He says:
Give me your life...
High is the price
But great is the prize
Do you see the love in my eyes
I will never leave your side
Give me your life...
High is the price
But great is the prize
Do you see the love in my eyes
I will never leave your side
This world will rot
But my Kingdom will not
My treasures last forever
Have you heard, have you seen?
This Majestic Mystery
The lifeless, they breathe
The hopeless, they dream
Broken hearts are romancing
This dead girl is dancing

Oh, at last I can see
Oh, at last I can breathe
Oh, at last I can see
Oh, at last I can breathe
Oh, at last I can see
Oh, at last I can breathe

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